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For every learning intervention, Miller Wymann Training Inc USA will...


Tailor each programme to understand your participant profile and match your organization’s business objectives


We will include business linked situations and scenarios to make the programme relevant for the participants.


After the programme, we will put into place a workable system to ensure that the learning objectives are being implemented in the workplace.


40 – 20 – 40 Learning Approach

40 – Pre Training

Imagine you’re visiting a doctor not your family doctor, but someone you’ve never visited before. What do you think they’d ask you? Probably something about your medical history, right? What medications you’ve taken, whether you take any regularly, are you allergic to any of them – stuff like that, right?

Our pre – training approach is along the same lines. Before the programme begins, we conduct our Training Needs Analysis (TNA), at the same time, we also provide the candidate pre – assessments, pre – reads, placement tests, and contextualised content.

20 – Training

If you’ve been lucky enough to go to a good doctor (lord knows that doesn’t always happen), they’ll probably diagnose you correctly and prescribe a course of treatment, instructions for which will be given precisely. A good doctor will take care to ensure that the treatment is effective, convenient, and causes least discomfort to the patient.

Similarly, we use the information we gathered earlier to determine the best course of action for participants. You don’t have to worry about Death by Power Point – we prefer effective and fun learning techniques such as the Guided Discovery Method (GDM), Activity Based Learning, Training Actors, and Theater Based Learning.

40 - Post Training

Finally, after handing out a prescription, they’d probably ask you to come back for a follow – up after, say, a couple of weeks, even if you are or think you’re feeling better. Sounds about right?

We believe in the same approach. Concepts discussed in our sessions will not just be buried or forgotten. We will follow up with practice tasks, recognition emails. e – learning modules, momentum – based interventions, and help desks.


Guided Discovery Method

We use this popular method to guide our learners to where they need to go by allowing them to ask questions and experience things that will ultimately lead them to their goal. Our instructors deliberately hold back key information from learners, allowing them to discover things for themselves. The Guided Discovery Method helps participants listen, question, compare, deduce facts, integrate knowledge, invent, and reflect.


Role – playing is a learning aid and we take it to the next level – by introducing professional actors. Many participants are self – conscious and as a result, the point of learning gets sidelined. A Training Actor makes the practice session very real for the learner through the power of role playing.

Total Physical Response

This popular learning method helps learners grasp complex concepts using physical movements. Not only does this break the monotony of traditional, classroom – based learning, but also serves to reduce inhibitions, anxiety, and stress. By engaging both the body and the mind. This method facilitates long term retention.